Thursday, December 12, 2013

Amazing Ab Workout For Ripped Abs

First off let me just tell you that I am an abs fanatic! I absolutely love and full heartedly enjoy working and sculpting my midsection for those sexy abs the ladies love. The following ab workout will go over and highlight some of my most favorite ab workout exercises that you can begin to use in order to develop that chiseled six pack you've always been dreaming of. And what better time than now than to challenge yourself with an ab workout that is effective and actually works..!?

Unless of course you want to save this article and include it in your long list of new years “could” do that or you “could” just get your ass to work now!! I mean regardless if you have a gut to lose or not there is no better time than now to start getting into the best shape of your life. If you happen to have a gut right now, that’s okay you can still start this ab workout to start the building and sculpting process. This way once you do get back on track with your diet and exercise regimen you will already have those sexy abs ready to reveal! Now that is what I’m talking about.

Note: I am 100% certain and confident that this ab workout will help you get those abs you've always wanted and that your wife, girlfriend, lady prospects, lovers, or whoever you’re wanting to impress wishes you had as well. But here’s the catch...if you don’t do the work, meaning yes the ab workout for one of course...but even more importantly if you aren’t willing to clean up your diet and get that cardio going you WILL NOT see RESULTS!! On the positive side though, if you are willing to do the necessary work, you will be on your way to not only the best abs you’ve ever had but also the best shape of your life.

**(3 Complete Ab Workout Circuits)
-Little to no rest in between sets
-After 1 complete circuit rest 2-3 minutes and repeat

  • Hanging Knee Raises/ 20-30 reps
  • Windshield Wipers/ Until Failure
  • High Cable Crunch Oblique Crunch/ 20-30 reps
  • Single Arm Cable Oblique Crunch/ 20-30 reps each side
  • Torso Twists/ 50 reps

Personal Ab Workout Tidbit: During any ab workout exercise I make sure to expel or blow out all the air (or as much as I can) from my lungs as I contract, squeeze and hold the abs. By doing this you will start to bring out more of the fine details of the abs as this allows you to target the inner ab muscles. This will also help you to keep and maintain a tight midsection and waistline for those of you like me who want an aesthetically pleasing physique.

I hope you enjoy the ab workout and would love to hear your feedback from your experiences and results with it! Hit me up here in the comments section or on my Facebook page and let me know. This ab workout was designed to target all areas of your midsection, upper abs, middle abs, lower abs, obliques and serratus. Now tear it up for reals!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to: 45 Lb. Plate Shrugs

In your pursuit of sculpting and achieving that “perfect” body shape it’s extremely important to make sure that you look your very best from all angles. Shrugs are great way to build both thickness and definition to your traps as well as your shoulders. In this technique blog/video I will be teaching you how to do shrugs using 45lb. plates. My Advice: Do this shrugs exercise at the very end of your shoulders workout routine when the shoulder muscles are already pretty fatigued. The 45lb. plate shrugs are the perfect ending or addition to any shoulder workout or trap specific workout.

In my personal opinion, take it as you will, these 45lb. plate shrugs should used more as a burnout at the end of a workout then as a heavy compound exercise by itself. Also, considering I compete in the NPC Men’s Physique Division, I try to avoid having huge, massive traps since I’m not going for that bodybuilder look. Yes there was a time I would load up 4, 5, 6 plates on the bar and shrug that shiz out, but this was before I started competing. If your traps are seriously lacking in size and shape, then doing heavy ass shrugs is the way to go to build dem baby’s up.

  • 45lb. Plate Shrugs (3 complete sets X 30 reps)
    • 10 reps to the Front
    • 10 reps to the Side
    • 10 reps to the Back

** Refer to the How to 45lb. Plate Shrugs Video for a complete demonstration. You can also see the 45lb. Plate Shrugs in all their glory in my recent Insane Shoulder Workout 3.0, which I highly recommend you give a try if your goal is develop some fuller, rounder shoulders. The shoulder workout is focused on targeting all 3 different deltoid heads, the anterior delt, lateral delt, and posterior delts.

45lb. Plate Shrugs Technique Explanation:

First: Grab two 45lb. plates (Dumbbells will also work for this shrugs exercise).
Second: Place the weight out in front of you with your thumbs facing eachother. While keeping your back and spine erect, let the weight hang so that you full a nice stretch in your traps and shoulders.
Third: Shrug the weights up and contract your trap muscles at the top of the movement. Make sure you are breathing your air out at this point before performing another shrug.
Fourth: Perform 10 shrugs before placing the weights to your sides.
Fifth: Position the plates or dumbbells to the sides of your body. Keep a slight bend in your elbows. Proceed with the Third step above.
Sixth: Perform 10 shrugs before placing the weights to the back.
Seventh: Position the plates behind your back, with your thumbs facing each other and look up to the heavens. Proceed with the Third step above until completing 10 shrugs to finish and complete the full set.

Hope you enjoy the 45lb. Plate Shrugs. Leave your comments and feedback below. Be sure to “Like” and Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so you never miss a beat with our free workout and exercise tips. Our goal is to help you improve every single day.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Incredible Shoulder Workout 3.0

The following shoulder workout is very well rounded as it will help you target each and every one your delt heads in a different way. By throwing in 2 pressing movements into the shoulder workout as well 3 different muscle specific shoulder workout exercises to target your anterior, lateral and posterior delts, you will quickly notice and feel how effective this shoulder workout actually is.

Quick Tip: Any time you ever go to do a shoulder workout, make sure…I repeat... make  sure that you are doing shoulder exercises that are targeting all 3 of your deltoid heads independently. So just be sure you are doing a specific shoulder workout exercise to target each and every different deltoid region in order to build bigger, more fully developed and better proportioned shoulders. Primarily a lot of people neglect to workout their posterior (rear) delts. Don’t let that be you! You want to look damn sexy from all angles, not just from the front or the side. Note: Just follow this workout, the shoulder workout 3.0 and you will be just fine.

  • Dumbbell Press/ (4 sets X 8-12 reps)
  • Side Lateral Raises/ (4 sets X 12-15 reps)
  • Reverse Peck Deck Flys/ (4 sets X 12-15 reps)
  • Front Cable Raise With Rope/ (3 sets X 8-12 reps)
  • Military Press/ (Drop-Set Until Failure)


  • 45 lb. Plate Shrugs/ (3 complete sets X 30 reps)
    • 10 reps to the Front
    • 10 reps to the Side
    • 10 reps to the Back

Insane Shoulder Workout 3.0 Benefits: As you add this shoulder workout into your current training program you will first of all realize...holy shite my shoulders are fire... immediately upon this realization you will catch a glimpse of the insane pump your shoulders are experiencing in the mirror, it is at this point you will reach the understanding of just how well rounded and great this shoulder workout routine is and your mind will literally be blown...Yeah the whole entire process is intense! So be prepared for the shoulder workout 3.0 to take your shoulder development to a whole other level baby.

Personal Tidbit: Shoulders happen to be my favorite muscle group to workout with arms being a close second. It’s a shame my arms are naturally so big though because I can’t train them as much as I’d like to, in fact in my pursuit to achieve a more perfectly symmetrical body I haven’t done an arm day for as long as I can remember now. But for some reason my arms remain jacked! Not that I’m complaining but seriously sometimes I feel like them babies need to calm down a bit and let my shoulders catch up haha. I now do a shoulder workout twice a week and have seen dramatic improvements. Shoulder workouts for days brah!!